Run-through: LCI and LCIA array production


The easiest way to produce the required arrays is to use scripts found in a dedicated github repository here. Simply download or clone the repository content on your computer.

Description of demo simulation for run-through

The general objective of this demo simulation is to:

  • generate and save two sets of 100 iteration LCI arrays for the ecoinvent v3.6 cutoff database. These samples should be balanced for water and land transformation exchanges
  • split the work as follows:
    • For the simulation on the Windows machine, all calculations are done within a slice, but across two sets of CPU
    • For the simulation on the computer cluster, calculations are done in 2 slices, and across four sets of CPU
  • generate and save corresponding LCIA arrays for three LCIA methods:
    • (‘IPCC 2013’, ‘climate change’, ‘GWP 100a’)
    • (‘ReCiPe Midpoint (H) V1.13’, ‘water depletion’, ‘WDP’)
    • (‘ReCiPe Midpoint (H) V1.13’, ‘natural land transformation’, ‘NLTP’)
  • Concatenate the LCIA scores across both samples batches and store these in a folder called “concat_preagg_demo”.

Sample simulation on a single Windows computer

Install bw2preagg

Before being able to run the scripts, you need to install bw2preagg. You should carry out the following operations in a virtual environment. In this run-through, I use a Conda environment, but you can substitute it with something else:

conda create --name preagg_env python=3.7
activate preagg_env

You can then install the package and all dependencies via pip:

pip install bw2preagg

Modify parameter values

The parameters used by the various functions are centralized in the params.txt file, found in the single_windows_machine folder of the scripts folder you downloaded from github.

The parameters are currently those used in the sample simulation. You should review and modify as needed the parameter values. The parameters are grouped in three sections:

  • Parameters that must be modified (e.g. filepaths)
  • Parameters that can safely be modified (e.g. number of iterations)
  • Parameters you should modify only if you know what you are doing

To modify the parameters, open the params.txt file in a text editor, make changes and save.

Running scripts

All the scripts to use are in the single_windows_machine folder of the scripts directory. To use, simply activate the environment where bw2preagg was installed, navigate to the single_windows_machine directory where the scripts can be found, and launch the appropriate batch file:

activate preagg_env
cd path/to/scripts/single_windows_machine

You will be presented with the parameter values and asked to confirm that all is ok before proceeding. Click Y to proceed if everything looks good.

Set-up project

This creates the project, imports databases and generates common files as required.

You should set the following parameters in the params.txt file:

  • result_dir
  • database_dir
  • database_name
  • ecoinvent_version (limited to 3.4 and 3.6 for now)
  • project_name

Then, in the conda command prompt:

activate preagg_env
cd path/to/scripts/single_windows_machine

After running, all the files in the common_files directory of the new result_dir should should have been added.

Base presamples generation

To create a presamples package for all A and B matrix elements.

You should set the iterations and samples_batch parameters in the params.txt file.

Then, in the conda command prompt:

activate preagg_env
cd path/to/scripts/single_windows_machine

After running, there should be a new presamples package  in the presamples subdirectory.

In the demo simulation, you would:

  • set iterations=100 and samples_batch=0 in params.txt, save and then run base_presamples_windows.bat.
  • leave iterations=100 and set samples_batch=1 in params.txt, save and then rerun base_presamples_windows.bat

Balancing presamples generation

This will create a presamples package for water and land transformation exchanges.


This step takes a few hours. See the documentation on balancing presamples

In the conda command prompt:

activate preagg_env
cd path/to/scripts/single_windows_machine

After running, there should be a new presamples package in the presamples subdirectory for land transformation and for water exchanges.

In the demo simulation, you would:

  • leave iterations=100 and set samples_batch=0 in params.txt, save and then run balancing_presamples_windows.bat.
  • leave iterations=100 and set samples_batch=1 in params.txt, save and then rerun balancing_presamples_windows.bat

Generate LCI arrays

This will create LCI samples arrays.


This step takes a several days!!! See the documentation on generating LCI arrays for some strategies to keep time down. Therse calculations should be done on a dedicated computer or, better, on a computer cluster .

You should set the parallel_jobs parameter in the params.txt file.

Then, in the conda command prompt:

activate preagg_env
cd path/to/scripts/single_windows_machine

After running this, there will be as many numpy.ndarray files stored in the subdirectory result_dir/probabilistic/LCI/0 as there are activities in the database. Each one has as many rows as elementary flows in the database, and as many columns as there are iterations.

In the demo simulation, you would:

  • set samples_batch=0 and parallel_jobs=2 in params.txt, save and then run lci_windows.bat.
  • set samples_batch=1 and leave parallel_jobs=2 in params.txt, save and then rerun lci_windows.bat.

Generate LCIA arrays

The method for which you can calculate LCIA arrays are found in the /data/methods.json file of the scripts directory. You select the method by setting the method_idx to the correct index value. For example, for (“IPCC 2013”, “climate change”, “GWP 100a”), we have method_idx=714.

Note that you can also modify the /data/methods.json file, but added methods should exist in the project in which you are working and the integrity of the json file should not be corrupted.

By default, probabilistic LCIA arrays with total impacts are generated. To generate LCIA arrays with results per elementary flow, set return_per_exchange=True``in the single_windows_machine/params.txt file. To generate deterministic LCIA arrays, set ``result_type=deterministic.

Then, in the conda command prompt:

activate preagg_env
cd path/to/scripts/single_windows_machine

In the demo simulation, you would:

  • set samples_batch=0 and method_idx=714 in params.txt, save and then run lcia_windows.bat.
  • change samples_batch=1 and leave method_idx=714 in params.txt, save and then rerun lcia_windows.bat.
  • redo the first two steps with method_idx=762 (for water scarcity).
  • redo the first two steps with method_idx=756 (for land transformation)

Concatenate LCIA arrays

This will concatenate the LCIA scores generated above.


When using these scripts, the concatenated arrays will always contain all samples_batches in the result_dir. To use only a subset of these, you will need to interact with the function  directly.

You should set the following parameters in the params.txt file:

  • concat_result_type (LCI or LCIA)
  • method_idx
  • sim_name (name of folder in which to save arrays)
  • dest (destination of arrays)
  • fail_if_samples_batches_different (default=False)
  • ignore_missing_concat (default=False)

Then, in the conda command prompt:

activate preagg_env
cd path/to/scripts/single_windows_machine

In the demo simulation, you would:

  • set concat_result_type=LCIA, method_idx=714, sim_name=concat_preagg_demo and dest=some_valid_path in params.txt, save and then run concat_windows.bat.
  • change method_idx=762 (for water scarcity) and rerun concat_windows.bat.
  • change method_idx=756 (for water scarcity) and rerun concat_windows.bat.

On a cluster

Given the time required to generate the LCI samples, you should really use a computer cluster if you have access to one.

More detail to follow.